
What You Seek, You Find: Shifting Your Focus for a Better Life| The Guided Words Podcast

In this episode of The Guided Words, Benel talks about the power of focus and how what you seek, you find. If you’re always looking for things to go wrong, life will show you every reason to believe it. But if you shift your mindset to focus on the good, you’ll begin to see the…

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Letting Go of Fear

In this episode of The Guided Words, Benel talks about how we can let go of fear and start moving forward with confidence. We explore practical ways to overcome fear in everyday life, whether it’s starting something new or stepping outside our comfort zones. With a focus on simple, actionable steps, this episode is all…

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Balancing Desires with What’s Best

In today’s episode of The Guided Words, we’ll dive into a conversation about balancing our personal desires with what’s truly best for our lives. We all have dreams, goals, and things we long for, but how do we know when to pursue them and when to step back? Inspired by Proverbs 3:5-6, we’ll talk about…

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The Power of Words: How We Speak Shapes Our Reality| The Guided Words Podcast

In today’s episode, we’re diving into the incredible impact of the words we speak and how they shape our reality. From encouraging others to speaking life into our own situations, we’ll explore why what we say matters more than we think. We’ll dig into biblical wisdom from Proverbs 18:21, which reminds us that the power…

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Renewed Purpose: Finding Light in Dark Moments

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I’ve been struggling lately. As someone who’s always believed in the power of inspiration, motivation, and pushing through the tough times, I found myself in a place I didn’t expect—discouragement. I’ve poured my heart into The Guided Words podcast, hoping to reach people, hoping to lift someone up when they needed it most. But lately, I began to wonder if anyone was really listening. The numbers didn’t reflect what I thought they should, and I started to question if this journey was even worth it. And then, as if that wasn’t enough, life threw another curveball. My son was in a car accident. Thankfully, he’s okay now, but it was one of those moments that shakes your foundation. Everything else seemed to fall apart even more. My focus was scattered, and suddenly, the podcast—the thing I had so much passion for—felt like a burden. It felt small compared to the weight of what I was going through. But in those dark moments, when I felt like giving up, I realized something important: purpose doesn’t disappear in hard times; it becomes even more necessary. Sometimes, the challenges we face are a reminder of why we started in the first place. The podcast was never about numbers or instant validation. It was always about the one person who might need to hear that message in the right moment. It brought me back to one of my favorite scriptures: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” — Galatians 6:9. This verse speaks directly to those of us who feel like our work isn’t seen or appreciated. It’s a reminder that the good we put out into the world, even when it feels like it’s not enough, will eventually grow into something beautiful. I don’t know when or how, but I trust that the seeds I’ve planted through the podcast are taking root somewhere. So, here I am—renewed in my purpose. I’m still here. The Guided Words will continue, not because everything is perfect now, but because this journey was never about perfection. It was about showing up. For you. For me. For anyone who needs it. Even when life gets messy. If you’ve ever felt like giving up on something you love, like you’ve hit a wall, remember this: you are not alone. We’re all navigating our own storms, but purpose has a way of guiding us back to the path. Keep going. Keep showing up. Your work matters, even when it feels like no one is watching. I want to hear from you. What keeps you going when you feel like giving up? Let’s continue this conversation together, and remember—this journey isn’t meant to be traveled alone.

Navigating Uncertainty| The Guided Words Podcast

In this episode of The Guided Words, we’ll talk about how to navigate uncertain times, drawing wisdom from Scripture. Uncertainty is a part of life that can be overwhelming, but we’ll explore how to stay grounded through faith, trust, and purpose. We’ll focus on Isaiah 41:10, breaking down practical steps to move forward in the…

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Give Them Flowers Now: The Power of Appreciation| The Guided Words Podcast

In today’s episode of The Guided Words, we’ll dive into the importance of giving flowers to people in our lives while they are still here to receive them. Inspired by scripture, we’ll explore why showing appreciation and love in the moment is so important, rather than waiting until it’s too late. We’ll talk about how…

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Living Life Like You Are Dying | The Guided Words Podcast

n this episode of The Guided Words, host Benel dives into the powerful concept of “Living Life Like You Are Dying.” Inspired by Psalm 90:12, we explore how embracing the reality of our limited time can lead to a life of purpose, love, and intentionality. Learn practical steps to prioritize relationships, pursue your passions, and…

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The Armor of God: Spiritual Warfare and Protection

In this episode of “The Guided Words,” Benel dives into the concept of spiritual warfare, breaking it down into something we can all relate to—dealing with everyday struggles like stress, fear, and negativity. Drawing from the metaphor of the “Armor of God,” Benel explains how we can protect our minds and hearts by preparing ourselves…

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Giving Grace to Yourself

In this episode of “The Guided Words,” Benel delves into the powerful and often overlooked practice of giving grace to ourselves. Drawing inspiration from Lamentations 3:22-23, he explores the importance of self-compassion, embracing our humanity, and letting go of perfectionism. Discover practical ways to treat yourself with kindness, learn from your mistakes, and find peace…

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